The feral swine issue is one of the fastest growing nuisance related wildlife issues facing North America today. Very prolific in habits, these animals breed like rodents, and are much more destructive.
Feral swine population density continues to rise throughout all 77 counties of Oklahoma, and this invasive species continues to spread across the nation as result of natural range expansion, illegal trapping and movement, and accidental releases from domestic swine operations. As these populations have expanded, debate over the pros and cons of their presence has become more intense. Farmers, livestock producers, hunters, and trappers all have differing opinions on these animals. For some, these animals are destructive and represent a threat to ecosystems and livestock health; while to others, they are a resource for recreation and commerce. Regardless of opinions, feral swine have proven their ability to adapt and multiply, and it is unlikely they will ever be eradicated. As a state, we must develop strategies and approaches to address control while considering the interests of all parties. ~ Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry Website
Click here for the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Food & Forestry Regulations
Click here for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Regulations
Depredation Control
One of the biggest problems in Oklahoma and abroad, is that crop losses are increasing every year due to the depredations caused by Feral Swine. Oklahoma Wildlife Control®, L.L.C. offers depredation control for ranchers, farmers and other crop holders … for those species which would normally cause damages and losses, such as: Deer and Feral Hogs. We will work hand in hand with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture in order regulate and control species numbers, to ensure crop depredations are minimized.
Food Habits
Types of food vary greatly depending on the location and time of year. Wild pigs will eat anything from grain to carrion. They may feed on underground vegetation during periods of wet weather or in areas near streams and underground springs. Acorns or other mast, when available, make up a good portion of their diet. Wild pigs gather in oak forests when acorns fall, and their movements will generally not be as great during this period. In the winters of poor mast years, wild pigs greatly increase their range and consume greater quantities of underground plant material, herbaceous plants, and invertebrates (Singer 1981). Stomach analyses indicate that wild hogs ingest flesh from vertebrates, but the extent to which animals are taken as prey or carrion is not known. Wild pigs are capable of preying on lambs (Pavlov et al. 1981), as well as goat kids, calves, and exotic game.
General Biology, Reproduction, and Behavior
Wild pigs are intelligent animals and readily adapt to changing conditions. They may modify their response to humans fairly rapidly if it benefits their survival. Wild boar have a greater capacity to invade colder and more mountainous terrain than do other wild pigs. Feral hogs feed during daylight hours or at night, but if hunting pressure becomes too great during the day, they will remain in heavy cover at that time and feed at night. In periods of hot weather, wild pigs remain in the shade in wallows during the day and feed at night. The wild pig is the most prolific large wild mammal in North America. Given adequate nutrition, a wild pig population can double in just 4 months. Feral hogs may begin to breed before 6 months of age, if they have a high-quality diet. Sows can produce 2 litters per year and young may be born at any time of the year. Wild boar usually do not breed until 18 months of age and commonly have only 1 litter per year unless forage conditions are excellent. Like domestic animals, the litter size depends upon the sow’s age, nutritional intake, and the time of year. Litter sizes of feral hogs in northern California average 5 to 6 per sow (Barrett 1978). Wild boar usually have litter sizes of 4 to 5 but may have
as many as 13 (Pine and Gerdes 1973).
Damage and Damage Identification
Wild pigs can cause a variety of damage. The most common complaint is rooting (sometimes called grubbing), resulting in the destruction of crops and pastures. Damage to farm ponds and watering holes for livestock is another common problem. Predation on domestic stock and wildlife has been a lesser problem in North America. Damage to crops and range land by wild pigs is easily identified. Rooting in wet or irrigated soil is generally quite visible, but can vary from an area of several hundred square feet (m2) or more to only a few small spots where the ground has been turned over. Rooting destroys pasture, crops, and native plants, and can cause soil erosion. Wallows are easily seen around ponds and streams. Tracks of adult hogs resemble those made by a 200pound (90-kg) calf. Where ground is soft, dewclaws will show on adult hog tracks.
Our Method of Control
The Oklahoma Wildlife Control® Limited Liability Company utilizes technology to eradicate nuisance feral hogs, swine, pigs, boars, sows, shoats and Russians … whatever you might call them. Herd control and eradication is key. We will utilize a “Judas Pig” concept, where we will trap and collar a single wild pig, and then release it. Being very “herd social” in nature, this collared hog will take us to the herd, where we employ methods of total elimination of the population. We do not address the issues of wild hog problems from a conservationist standpoint, that is, we do not remove only a few and leave the rest to breed. But instead, we remove the problem from your property in it’s entirety, thus alleviating the continued damage and destruction caused by this widespread problem. Our method of controlling hogs is expensive, but it is proven and the results are guaranteed.